For those who don't know, a sissy bar is nothing more than a back support and in my opinion, really, really ugly. There, I said it.... Oh, and fairings too (with exception to the R90S)..... OK, I just don't like "cruisers" in general, aka "2 wheeled minivans". Unless a sissy bar is used as a design element on a custom chopper, I find them to make the bike look kind of "matronly" . I totally get the comfort issue, if I were riding on the back for any extended amount of time I would probably want the extra support. So with that said, I put the sissy bar on last weekend for our ride out to Shelter Island, just to see how Michelle would feel. Surprisingly enough there were mixed reviews. Although she felt secure on the bike, we were kind of crammed together, it didn't offer her much room to move so I don't think we'll be taking it. Huge mistake? Maybe... at least we'll look cool? Our friend Molly seemed to think the sissy bar made it look "luxurious". She knows not of what she speaks.
Love how you did your blog... especially when I clicked on the word cool!!!! Fonzy is cool! :) Will be following the New Adventures of Screamin' Mimi! Have a fun & safe trip! See you soon! xox