Monday, June 22, 2009

Current Itinerary, Weather Permitting

Times are based on a combination of local and interstate routes. Host cities subject to change due to weather, fatigue or boredom. I've decided not go as far south as I had originally planned, I'm anxious to get home. Right now I don't really feel like being on the road alone for 5 or 6 days, we'll see if that changes once things get underway. Any suggestions on things to do, see, hear, or eat would be welcome and greatly appreciated.

Des Moines to St. Louis (6 hours 34 mins, via Kansas City, route I-35 South) LOCAL/ INTER

St. Louis to Cincinnati (7 hours 49 mins) LOCAL/ INTER

Cincinnati to Harrisburg, PA (11 hours 42 mins) LOCAL

Harrisburg, PA to BROOKLYN, NYC (3 hours 4 mins) INTER

So far looks like the weather is going to be good, extremely HOT and HUMID... but at least no rain.
........ More about the LA job and the Iowa Cubs game (my day in Iowa withOUT Michelle) at a later date, big day of riding tomorrow.


  1. The Wednesday itinerary....Cincinnati to Harrisbug looks pretty long!!!
